2015 Languages, Packages, & Software

The main software requirements for the school are fairly minimal, although you may find yourself adding extra stuff as the week progresses for specific tasks that you might want to try out. If at all possible, you should try to install the following items prior to the start of the school.  The installation should be a fairly painless process - just go to the given URL and download the appropriate item for your operating system. Most are standalone packages that will then put the various software components where they need to be without any more input from you than a possible administrator or system password. The exception is Sextractor, for which you will have to follow the build instructions included with it.
 If you only have limited time available before the first day of the School then just try and install the Anaconda distribution. The rest can be added on the first day.

> Anaconda Python distribution: https://store.continuum.io/cshop/anaconda/ (Python 2.7)
> Aladin: http://aladin.u-strasbg.fr/ (Aladin Desktop)
> DS9: http://ds9.si.edu/
> Topcat: http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/topcat/
> Git: http://git-scm.com/downloads (may already be installed on your system)
> Sextractor: http://www.astromatic.net/software/sextractor
Additional resources that we may use during the week include:
> Astrometry.Net: http://astrometry.net
> Astromatic.net: http://www.astromatic.net

 If you have issues with installing any of these then please contact one of us:

Matthew Graham: mjg@caltech.edu
Guillermo Cabrera: gcabrera@dim.uchile.cl
Chris Miller: christoq@umich.edu
Amelia Bayo: amelia.bayo@uv.cl
Roberto Munoz: rmunoz@astro.puc.cl
We look forward to seeing you at the school!

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