2022 Final project presentations
These are the final projects developed by the students in the school:
- Group 1 - Work in Progress - Project title: Segmentation of LIDAR data - Titus N. Nde, Allison Enid Acosta, Yu-Hsiu Huang, Maria Isabel Romero, Juan Carlos Cedeño Noblecilla. TA: Javier Palma, Advisor: Dr. Francisco Förster Burón. PDF
- Group 2 - Extraterrestrial Confounding Cats - Project title: Using Deep Learning to Classify Lymphoma Types - Nicole Michelle Firestone, Zachary Richards, Keerthana Jegatheesan, Elisa Angela Tau, Alejandro Moisés S. Cartes. TA: Daniela Grandon, Advisor: Dr. Mauricio Cerda. PDF
- Group 3 - Astro-Wanderers - Project title: Classifying SDSS spectra with ML and DL - Olga Privman, Emma Taylor Kleiner, Sebastián Matías Arriagada Neira, Erik Jhonny Alejandro Saez Aravena, Dayana Mishel Zhigue Álvarez. TA: Bernardita Ried, Advisor: Dr. Paula Sanchez. PDF
- Group 4 - Astroholics Anonymous - Project title: Exo-comets - Michael Raven Alexander Gassis, Bárbara Cabrales, Francisco Javier Urbina Jiménez, Karen Marina Martínez Acosta. TA: Yasmeen Asali, Advisor: Dr. Amelia Bayo. PPTX
- Group 5 - Cosmic High Five - Project title: Outlier detection via TDA - Xiangyu Jin, Nathan Ryan Rutherford, Diego René Jaramillo Pinto, Agustina Belén Blanco. TA: Edgar Ortiz, Advisor: Dr. Matthew Graham. PDF
- Group 6 - Ilija's Army - Project title: Symbolic Regression - Federico Berlfein, Rosalie Katherine Tarsala, Isabella Ignacia Toro Trujillo, Felipe Ignacio Castillo. TA: Ilija Medan, Advisor: Dr. Matthew Graham. PDF
- Group 7 - Team Rocket - Project title: Extended sources in ADI - Grant Merz, Gladys Muthoni Kamau, Erick Contreras, Joanne Michelle Rojas Molina, Valentina Paz Miranda. TAs: Nicolas Monsalves, Luis Galvez, Advisor: Dr. Amelia Bayo. PPTX
- Group 8 - Astral Eight - Project title: Astronomy Transients - Sherelyn A Alejandro, Chirag Rathi, Martina Alicia Cádiz, Sara Federle. TA: Paula Llanos, Advisor: Dr. Niharika Sravan. PDF